Do you like talking about conspiracies and secret societies, cause I love talking about conspiracies and secret societies.
Have you ever had a conversation with someone who was just so smart you did not understand how they existed. For example, you try to articulate what you believe if a pretty original thought then they immediately poke holes in it, fix said holes, then articulate it better than you. Has this happened to you? What was the situation about? What is it like to be that person?
One time I was chilling talking on the internet trying to convince people that privacy was a joke by articulating the infosec behind "The Machine" from the show "Person of Interest". Expressing just how much data there is about us out there and how it can all be correlated. For example, the moment we are born your data is put in a database, went to school, database, pay taxes, database, bank account or credit card, database, exist on internet without TOR and amazing opsec, database, cellphone, database. Privacy is an illusion that is maintained for some reason, and that was what I was trying to articulate. Then some fucker joins the discord, listens to me for like two minutes then spends 15 minutes convincing everyone of the point I was trying to articulate.
These people I absolutely admire and know very little about them, I don't know how to relate to them, it is like tonic immobility overcomes me, a very animal like behavior. I also try and play through the thought experiment, what is it like to be them, who would they admire with the same animosity that I feel towards them? Recursively playing through this thought experiment we eventually arrive at the peak of human competence. What does the peak of human competence look like? What kind of fear would John Galt instill in us. John Galt from the book Atlas Shrugged would have the power to run Earth like a zoo, what kind of zoo should he run?
Hmm... here is a funny though. What happens to Atlas Shrugged when you replace the meme, "Who is John Galt?" with "Who is God?". Whenever something weird or bad happens just ask, "Who is God?". The most competent being we can imagine existing can easily get mixed up with the creator of the universe, because who else could it be?
So as we have discussed before society is held together with a competence hierarchy. John Galt saw society collapsing so he got his friends and defooed, creating their own society. This new society then picked the peak of competence off the society they came from, like taking the cream off the milk after it rises to the top. This society, or series of societies, that have defooed in the real world sorta function as zoo keepers. So the question I have for myself is, do I want to live my life within the zoo competence hierarchy or figure out how to get out of the zoo.
So the question arises, how would one go about studying the internals in the zoo and how does one go about studying the zookeepers.
Anybody who is powerful and knowledgeable enough within the zoo can basically function as a zookeeper. But that's a big assumption, knowledge and power are hard to come by. You know what, I would like some knowledge and power. I want some knowledge and power the same way other people want to do a a line of coke in the disabled washroom while getting their dick sucked. People don't know that's what they want but when they go out to get what they want that's what happens. I need to make sure my premises are aligned so I don't end up a degenerate like so many people out there.
The key to self actualization is a specific type of cognition.
When I was younger someone asked me what I would do with three wishes. I asked for physical immortality as well as the entire basin of human knowledge. I didn't even use the third wish, with the entire basin of human knowledge I would be able to think using the minds of anyone who had had a thought. I thought that that's all that I would need to life life in cheat mode but no, there was something missing, something cruical.
Yes, my conception of the world was missing God. This time we are using God as the incarnation of the ultimate question, organizing principal. You need a will to ask the ultimate question. If you can't write a query for those databases you do not deserve power. What question am I supposed to ask. I used to think that I could simply ask the entire basin of human knowledge how to cure cancer, but the basin of knowledge can not think I DO.
Wait, what if it isn't as simple as the distinction as human animal on one end and human zookeeper on the other end on some sort of scale similar to IQ. No this conception can be an ouroboros.
Hmm... that makes things a lot more complicated... or complex. Further investigation is required. The real question is what kind of world do we want to live in, and depending on who, and where, you ask we always get different answers. I think diversity of human experience is a single variable that should be optimized for, the borg are not the ideal, hopefully we can agree on that. We have identified the undesirable future.
So using quirks of human psychology am I simultaneously the zookeeper and the human animal being kept in said zoo. That doesn't remove the existence of zoo keepers with access to technology so advanced it basically functions as magic to us plebs. That doesn't remove the existence stuff like The Leviathan State or the Cathedral. If one can look deep enough inside The Leviathan State, The Cathedral, and other Egregore's we use to understand society need to be reverse engineered with appropriate abstractions. This is a purpose I can get behind. But it needs to be broken down further. I am a piece of the system trying to understand the system from within the system, or in other words the universe experiencing itself.
I need a set of tools, heuristics to wield, I need a set of masks to wear in front of a personality that has a unifying purpose so deep they can wield the will of death. I need to go shopping for a new personality, where does one go shopping for one of these things?
My Dinner With Andre: Conspiracy Theory Scene HD - YouTube
Wield the will of God.
I need to know what I would do with eternal life.
Are you happy living in a zoo?
Asking such questions is indistinguishable from thinking.
I don't know what the peak of human competence looks like and I doubt you do.
Do you have an easy way of differentiating between people that behave like animals from true humans?
God only helps those that help themselves.
No one wants to see under my mask, then what do they want to see? A reflection of themselves. But how am I supposed to be that when I am not them.